Content: 10 mlIsopropyl Nitrite - CAS 541-42-4
The world of aromas is welcoming the Orgasmus poppers with open arma: this new and unique poppers has a special formula that enhances and intensifies your orgasms.
While sexually active, the aromatic fragrance sharpens and deepens both your body awareness and emotional response to any sexual stimulations, thanks to its light vasodilating properties.
You will experience any and all sensations and feelings much more intensely because of a higher sensitivity due to your vessels being dilated.
This effects creates a state of relaxation and eagerness, as well as the potential to reduce pain during penetration, be it for anal or vaginal sex.
Therefore, no need for any pills or other little extra-helpers - just pop the bottle open and let its sexy aroma fill the room and transport you to a world of sexual delight.
Content: 30 mlIsopentyl Nitrite - CAS 110-46-3Isopentanol - CAS 123-51-3The Black Label of the m...